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I am launching a website for the FittBaby program, so it will help us exercise and move our babies safely from newborn to independent walking. We should not let our long-standing traditions disappear to the detriment of our babies, rather revive and use them now, supplemented with expertise.       

Things you NEED TO KNOW about the motor development of infants can be found in the Menu under the label “FittBaby”. Descriptions of exercises, visual and audiovisual content are presented month by month, according to the baby’s age. During the practical application of these exercises however, we have to pay increased attention to the level of motor development of the given baby and to any individual differences. If your baby has not yet reached the usual age-appropriate milestone in motor development (e.g. turning the head, pushing up on arms while lying on tummy, rolling over, crawling, etc.), then you should use the exercises keeping with the level of his/her motor development rather than the actual age. Attention! The exercises on the website are tailored to the generally expected level of motor development.  

Please share the website with your friends if you think they would benefit from it!
2018-09-14 21:49:47