After the restricted movement and potential incorrect position in the womb, we can bring great joy to our babies by exercising them. Further on, we can help to introduce new movements such as head turning, turning, crawling, climbing, walking.
An exercise should be performed until it becomes easy, with a maximum of 8-10 repetitions per exercise. Babies like to be exercised two or three times a day, but they should always be praised or sung to during the exercises, so that they feel that these are helping them, rather than being a chore!
If you have a serious problem, you should do the exercises 3 times a day. It is important to errase errors and automate the correct movements. In case of minor deviations, exercise 2 times a day will help a lot. If there are no problems, babies should be exercised 1 time a day.
The footage shows already experienced "gymnasts". Naturally, a new movement that the baby has never done before, will trigger the natural reaction of surprise or crying. It's normal if they cry during the exdercised in the first week. The next week they hardly cry at all. And by the third week, they're smiling while doing the exercises! If exercises are not accepted and adopted, and the smile is still absent after a month, it's worth seeking the help of a specialist physiotherapist.
This can be due to a variety of reasons, e.g. it may be part of an intrauterine postural disorder. It is also often caused by a rapid delivery because there is not enough time between contractions for the neck muscles to relax. Common in caesarean sections. In protracted, long-delayed births, the muscles that turn the head can tighten and become stiff, so babies cannot turn both ways and rest their heads in the turned position.
Yes, in fact, fit baby exercises will keep your baby's body "oiled up" until the next exercise. The multiple stimuli have a developmental effect, but at the same time, sleep is more restful after the exercises.
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